Why The Neutralist? The term Isolationist implies a narrow Fortress America outlook and is used as an epithet. The term Neutralist does not indicate someone hiding out from the world. No one calls the Swiss isolationists. The Wilsonian world view is old, tired and wrong. Our interventions have been less and less successful and now the failure can no longer be covered up.

Monday, October 23, 2017

The Iran Deal Should Be Irrelevant

The Neutralist has not been paying oodles of attention to the Iran deal and the president’s non certification of it.

Supposedly, from much of its press, it is a great agreement and Mr. Trump should have re-certified it.

Of course, he campaigned on the promise not to.

So what does he do now?  Punt it over to Congress.

The deal is discussed ad nauseum in the media with most saying stay with it even if they believe it is several levels less than the best thing since bread that is sliced.

The advocates of re-certification make the argument that if we do not do it, then our word is without meaning and who will negotiate with us, as our faith is not good?

Also, the case has been made that Iran is keeping to the letter of the agreement.

All in all, if it is true that the deal is worth keeping and we are going to be part of an international system, then we would agree, on balance, it is better to be part of the agreement.

The problem is, our history with the Persians has been one of mistakes.

By now, only the most obstinate would disagree that our promotion of the coup against Mossadegh turned out to be a bad idea.  Sure we got 16 years of a hard guy ruler and oodles of oil.  Yet beneath the surface during that time was a revolution coming that would sweep it all away,

Is certifying or decertifying a mistake?

The Neutralist has no idea.  Sure, an Iranian bomb would not be desirable, but Pakistan having one is not all that wonderful either.  If the mullahs stay with the plan, that’s great.  If they don’t what are we going to do?  Bomb them? Probably not.

No, The Neutralist believes in the Neutralist position of non-intervention.  Of course, to non-intervene means to withdraw.  Withdraw completely from MENA.  That means no more intervening in Syria, no more trying to put the Iraq humpty dumpty together.  An end to dealing with Erdogan or other kleptocrats.  We would no longer have to help the Saudis with their obscene war in Yemen.

And, with that, the Republic would fall just like it did when we left Viet Nam.

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