Why The Neutralist? The term Isolationist implies a narrow Fortress America outlook and is used as an epithet. The term Neutralist does not indicate someone hiding out from the world. No one calls the Swiss isolationists. The Wilsonian world view is old, tired and wrong. Our interventions have been less and less successful and now the failure can no longer be covered up.

Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Syria - What's the point?

Two articles to address the question, why are we in Syria?

From the Washington Times:

Road clash with Russians renews debate over U.S. mission in Syria


Ben Wolfgang

Well, it's about time, but we at the Neutralist have not seen much "debate." Mostly just sputtering about the Russkies are not nice and Assad is a meanie.

The second one, 

by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos

at The American Conservative looks at the theft of oil and how it has become important.  At the end of the day, it's theft, of course.

Also at the end of the day, not to mention at dawn, there is real reason for us to be in the Middle East.  If anyone has a rational argument for how our intervention benefits the American people, the Neutralist would love to hear it.

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