Why The Neutralist? The term Isolationist implies a narrow Fortress America outlook and is used as an epithet. The term Neutralist does not indicate someone hiding out from the world. No one calls the Swiss isolationists. The Wilsonian world view is old, tired and wrong. Our interventions have been less and less successful and now the failure can no longer be covered up.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

George Will blathers about Putin with the worst of them

Wicked Shockah, George Will does not like Putin. Yeah, like you're going to lose a gig for going after the Russian leader. Remember how he got Iraq right? No, he was goofy then, he is goofy now.

Anyway, linked below is my article on how silly the George Will WAPO column is. the man compares Mussolini and Putin.  The comparison is ridiculous.


George Will speaks ex-cathedra at WAPO-Actually, he just mails it in. 


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